“How to be a screenwriter: 2 Quick and Powerful TIPS”


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“How to be a screenwriter: 2 Quick and Powerful TIPS”

Are you interested in making a living as a movie screenwriter? If so, this article is for you. Back in 2000, I watched a video interview with Oscar-award winning screenwriter Ron Bass (Rain Man, My Best Friend’s Wedding, Entrapment) discussing how in order to become a successful screenwriter you just need to do two things. The simplicity of his advice has still stuck with me today and I’d like to share it with you. 1. Write everyday.
Ron Bass highly recommended that anyone who is serious about screenplay writing (or writing in general) must invest some quality time working everyday on your script. Ron Bass himself said he has a daily routine where he writes for 1 hour everyday from 6am to 7am. 7 days a week. 2. As soon as you finish writing one screenplay, start writing a new script that same day.


Bass said the biggest mistake novice screenplay writers make is that they’ll finish writing a certain film script and immediately fall in love with it…thinking it will become the next great spec screenplay sold. They will begin to fixate on how original and clever their story is and start looking for ways to sell it and get it produced. (I’ll admit, I’m guilty of this) Bass mentions that your screenwriting ability will only get better from writing not deal making. Also, that the first couple of screenplays from newbie writers usually lack what it takes to become a produced film. So, say today you just finished writing a screenplay…don’t fall head over heels in love with it just yet. Start on another new script that same day, even if it means just doing some research about your proposed story line or main character. The faster you write a few bad


screenplays, learn from the experience and keeping writing. The faster you’ll be able to become a professional screenplay writer. After 20+ years of following these two simple tips, Ron Bass has had 25 screenplays produced into movies and won an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay.

Article from articlesbase.com

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