How to become a movie star!?!?
Question by Cocoblu2: How to become a movie star!?!?
Hi, my little sister is 13 and we live in central Cornwall(Please give us a website so we can look at agents..) she has been training with proffesional ( stagecoach, theater) actor coaches for two years and now she wants to make her self bigger like acting in movies, she is taking grade 1 on the piano and 2 on the saxophone, she has passed all her levels in swimming and is now doing lifeguard training. We know that we need an agent but where do we go!?! We want someone reliable who we can trust and also is well known for making movie stars! Here are afew questions please help!
1. How much does an agent cost!?!
2. Because we live in Cornwall, England, will there be many opportunitys!?! ( what about Birmingham?)
3. With the experiance she has and extras will agents be interested!?!
4. Will she need a portpholio
5. What are auditions like
6. What are the chances of her making into a movie
7. Would there be better oppertunities in America
thankyou for Reading! Please help!!!
Best answer:
Answer by Hipeopole
Heres my answer little girl! The chances of your little sister thats been acting for only 2 years and in central cornwall my favorite place! (whatever the heck that place is) Mabye could be 100 to 50 chance! i mean 100 to 50.00000
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