How to center Java Script Banner in Fire Fox Browser?

how to sell script
by wallyg

Question by localinfopost: How to center Java Script Banner in Fire Fox Browser?
I own a website it is generating Java Script code to insert in to web page to display banners. Lets say I want google ads but I want to check if google is not cheating me I insert code where I have Google AdSense… or siply I create banner code to sell advertising space…
Code looks something like this…:

But the problem is that no matter what I do this code aligns banner left. Since this code is generated for every customer It is a problem to try to manually try to center each banner…

How to center this banner? Why other type of banners center but Java Script is aligning left? So you know simple commands as


allign=”center” do not work…
Dave Thank you for your help. It almost fixed the problem but now only strange thing is that banner gets cut in half… it is centered but only half of the banner is displayed… any solution on that?
Dave thank you ! just figured it out.. it centered my ad when I changed 160 to 480…
Feel free to sign up at my new site and I will upgrade you to premium membership at no cost ! Thank you again you helped me out a lot here. I will select your answer as best when system allows…

Best answer:

Answer by ?
This should work: