How to Create an In-Demand Information Product in 30 Days


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First you’ll need to create simple outline. You could tart with a list of 10 tips, ways, secrets, or mistakes people make on your topic. An example would be “10 Ways to Get Twice as Much Done in Half the Time”. This could become the title of your product. If you can expand to 20 or 30 ways—even better.

* Another idea is take a system that you currently use in your business and write it out so you can sell it to others. If you’re unsure what people will buy, use the Google Keyword Research tool to discover what information people are currently searching for in your area of expertise.

* Write several paragraphs under each tip, or under each process in the system, explaining it in much more detail.

* Check to see if you have already created content on this subject that you can re-use and include.

* Decide on the best format for your

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