How to Create an In-Demand Information Product in 30 Days


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~ e-book or report,

~ audios,

~ videos,

~ autoresponder series (where buyers get a sequence of lessons or chapters over time)

* Include examples, and if it will be an e-book or report, include some photos. You can purchase great photos inexpensively at

* If it’s a video, consider making one video for each tip and making it into a series

* If its an audio, keep in mind that you could easily make it into a CD. People love physical products

* Finally you’ll need a cover graphic. This will not only be used as a cover but as a product graphic on your sales page. There are many freelancers at places like that will create product graphics at a very reasonable price.

If you already have a “library” of articles, blog posts, scripts and other written material, comb through it to see

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