How to Create an In-Demand Information Product in 30 Days


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what you could pull out to create a new product. Recently I pulled all of the articles and blog posts I’d every written that were “how to’s” and edited them to create an 83 page e-book on just one day.

Don’t let one more month go by thinking and wishing you had some profitable products when you can put one together in a month or less.

Janis Pettit is a small business coach and marketing expert who has owned successful small businesses for 21 years and has coached hundreds of small and solo business owners, showing them how to dramatically increase profits and build wealth. She is co-author of 136 Ways to Market Your Small or Solo Business and creator of numerous business marketing home-study courses and coaching programs. Get her free e-book, 12 Secrets to Building a Profitable Small or Solo Business, plus access to business building audios. Visit her blog at

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