How To Create Your Own Super TV through PC and Mobile System!


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your computer’s headphones (line out) or speakers (output) that might be all you need.

On the other hand, some desktop computers might need an internal (or external) video card that offers S-Video, HDMI (highest quality video) or composite videos. But everything really depends on your television inputs. But this setup is only needed if you prefer watching World TV Online on your television set.

I’m not one of those guys who has a big screen HDTV entertainment center at home. In fact, my computer Internet TV through PC system consist of a 2004 Toshiba Satellite laptop with an S-Video connected to a fairly cheap converter box. This in turn supplies the composite video and audio to my Sanyo 27″ television set.

Consequently, I don’t have to do anything when the digital-to-analogue conversion takes effect June 12, 2009 in the US. Everything that comes from the

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