How to edit my youtube videoes? What editing software? How to get cool effects like this? :D?
Question by RiOT3: How to edit my youtube videoes? What editing software? How to get cool effects like this? :D?
okay so you know how on youtube users do vlogs and random videoes like these [with cool effects] : [STOP MOTION? WTF?] [HIGH PITCHED VOICE (LIKE FRED?)]
okay, well these are weirddd and coool effects(:
so im going to start a comedic channel kind of like these, but what software should i use for editing videos, such as sorting out clips, until i decide which to use and then putting them in the order i want.
also like getting text on the screen, changing the colors [black and white], making high pitched voice [like the last video, and how fred does it], and getting music [from my itunes] onto the video! thats really important aha!
so i have a PC, and ive made a couple videoes on it, but it was extremely hard to use the windows movie maker, which won’t work for the type of video i want. before i just put a slideshow of pics of my family, but i couldnt get music from my itunes onto there! grr.
so basically i just want to know how to start out my channel, with a simple, safe software(:
tips and advice are loooved! hopefully you know what im talking about ahaa(:
Best answer:
Answer by Xam
I reccomend downloading good softwares. If you aren’t an expert on video editing, try using Windows Movie Maker to edit the video and Audacity to edit the music. If you are ready, you can use Sony Vegas ^^
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