How to Get a Software for Free & Sell in 7 Days!


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How to Get a Software for Free & Sell in 7 Days!

I can actually keep this to myself, but I seriously want to help you readers so I thought of sharing this nice idea. I am doing this in hopes someone right here who is reading this uses this information and creates a product so that he/she can email me for joint venture…

Here is how you can get software which are totally free and sell it in 7 days or less!

1. Go to (A Public Domain Software Directory)

This is really a great resource to find software for free, I found many software for free there! In fact some of the free lancers online actually go here to get the scripts and reprogram it to sell!

When I was a programmer back then in my school days, you will be amazed the number of scripts we copied and reprogram just to submit to our lecturers and almost everyone does

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