How to hook my friend(Basically a brother) up with this girl he really likes?
Question by the_kid: How to hook my friend(Basically a brother) up with this girl he really likes?
He’s like crazy for this girl. From what I can tell, she’s interested in him too. They’re always talking and she’s always flirting. He’s just shy. When he was like really depressed she took him away from our little “Clique” and took him for a walk to talk with him. Me and everyone else were like “FINALLY! THEY GET TOGETHER!” But it didn’t happen. Then she kissed him on the cheek and he felt much better. She told me she likes him, but she doesn’t want to make the first move. My GF and I invited her to the movies with everyone and she agreed. My friend is freaking out and asking what to do. I’m like “Dummy pay for her movie!”. They hold hands all the time, so I suggested he hold her hand in the theatre. My GF is guiding the girl and i’m guiding him. We plan to leave them and sit somewhere else. He wants to ask her out, and I just said be straight up. But he’s shy…Any other approach he could try?
Best answer:
Answer by ~Pleasure N Pain~
he should do it himself when you get older there is no one holding your hand tell him to man up
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