How to Make a Account Registration Site for your WoW Private Server
CLICK ‘MORE INFO’ READ! If your having the ‘Account not possible problem’ Do this Go into the config.php in the includes folder and look for $db=”ascent”; // Insert your name for the character database and $dbr=”ascent”; // Insert your name for the logonserver database Change the “ascent” to “characters” and then your done! it should be working by now Downloads : Wampserver – Spora – WinRaR – Another error i made sorry guys is this $port = “8130”;// Port used by your ascent server its kinda in the bottom next to where you put your hostname or hamachi IP change the 8130 to 8129
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Guys , this is my first video made in movie maker…i plan on making newer and better videos on youtube using adobe premier…PEACE..oh yah …plz watch in high quality…its better…