How to Make a Fake Movie Trailer?
Question by princessjenny25: How to Make a Fake Movie Trailer?
Ok, I’ve seen A LOT of these on youtube especially, where people will take a movie’s opening (the most common being Harry Potter) and then changing the words. I’m wondering what kind of software I would need to do this and how? As well as piecing parts of the movie together to in a way make a whole new movie? Not just editing pieces, but editing the actual movie? I’ve heard this referred to “cookie cutter” but not sure what software this is referring to. Any information on this subject would be greatly appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by pseudo coder
I normally use Vegas Movie Studio. It uses the Sony Vegas engine, but is much cheaper, while keeping many of the advanced features. Take a quick look at it and see if it is what you are looking for:
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