How to make a maplestory video/movie with Youtube?
Question by ForHisLuvx: How to make a maplestory video/movie with Youtube?
I’ve been always wanting to do this, but I really don’t know how.. I’m a straightfoward beginner at this, and it’d be really great if you told me the steps on how to make a vid on youtube with Maplestory characters, monsters, etc etc. I know that I have to use the Bannedstory simulator, but I don’t know how to use that either. Please tell me!(: thanks
Best answer:
Answer by virusvial
u can use hyper cam or cam studio and put it on befor u click maple story so like open maple story set it up then press the start key on the keyboard it puts the game down then set the recording studio and play it and click maple sotry do what ever u need to do then press the stop key and put the video on windows movie maker and put the messed up parts
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