How to make movies using Movie Maker?
Question by King Of My Heart; MJJ <3: How to make movies using Movie Maker?
ok, so i’m doing this project for english about Michael Jackson. I’m supposed to make a short movie about him, and i want to use clips from other videos that are on youtube. the only problem is that i have no idea how to do so. can someone give me a step-by-step guide to make movies including pictures, video clips and text, please?
Best answer:
Answer by rock&roll will never die
it’s pretty easy….
in order to get videos from youtube onto ur computer, you have to use a converter.
try using forinside. and get it into windows media player format.
then save it to your library.
now, to use movie maker, just select tools to put on title and credits for your movie title, there you can select different animations and colors and fonts.
after that, select import media. choose the stuff you want to get in the movie, like pictures, music, videos… as long as it is saved in your files, the stuff should be there.
you can edit the time slots, transition animation… there’s alot of stuff you can do.
have fun!
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