How to make old b&w movie styled lighting techniques with everyday home materials?
Question by PRIVATE EYE: How to make old b&w movie styled lighting techniques with everyday home materials?
I’m making a music video for a school project, and I wanted to know how to make it appear old fashioned like, like the old 1950s Hollywood movies, with different lighting. But I am using a digital camera and I don’t have any professional lighting equipment.
Could you please give me some tips on making my video seem more like the old movies? Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by Nick
I think the key to this is in the post-processing. Choose an app that can simulate this look (Even microsoft movie maker can make something halfway decent). Things to try: Film in black and white, or convert to B/W in the post process editing. The nice thing about B/W is the white balance doesn’t matter at all. Use 50’s hairstyles and clothing. Change to 24 fps to simulate the look of a feature film
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