How to make photo slideshow with Flash Gallery Maker and embed photo slideshow to personal website


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photos to Slideshow Maker, at the same time, Slideshow Maker allows users to drag and drop photos to this software. Once the photos are added to Slideshow Maker, users are able to rearrange the order of photos just by dragging.  In this process, it is also available to specify particular transition for each slideshow (photo) and set the corresponding transition and photo show duration. 

2. Select appropriate theme for slideshow. Slideshow Maker is full with amazing templates. Along with the upgrade, more and more delicate templates are added to Slideshow Maker, nowadays, 3D templates is available. In this process, users can preview the slideshow. According to the previewing effect, users can adjusts and configure template attributes to fix their need. Besides, users can add their favorite music to the slideshow to better match their feeling. 


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