How to Make Your Own Halloween Maze


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maze, a killer clown maze, or a nursery rhyme maze (my favorite). Themes will put your maze over the top, and give you something you can work off of.

4) Lights, Fog, and More: Fog is a must in a maze, and can make all the difference. It makes it harder for your audience to see upcoming traps, and makes for a more “confused” feeling in the maze. I like to use lots of black lights in my mazes, along with colored lights etc. I do not recommend using a ton of strobe lights. Many people use far too many, and it distracts your audience from the scare, as they spend their whole time trying to find their way around. The best scares come when the actor is standing right in front of them, and they still never saw it coming. Strobes, unless they are used specifically for a scare distract your audience too much.

5) Props: You don’t have to go super-expensive with the props.

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