How to put several images inside eyes in photoshop?
Question by Jordyn G: How to put several images inside eyes in photoshop?
I am making a movie poster and have a pair of eyes on the document. I have several images that I want to kind of project in the eyes. I want them a bit faded and to blend in as well as the edges rounded. Any help?
Best answer:
Answer by Adam
I would suggest placing the image on top of the eyes as best as possible, then use the warp function (Edit > Transform > Warp) to adjust as best as possible to the shape of the eye. Erase the corners that run off of the eye. To ‘fade’ the images, use your blending modes (at the top of your Layers palette). I would try ‘Multiply’, ‘Screen’, or ‘Overlay’. Just play around with those and adjust your opacity to what looks best.
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