how to see a movie with friends?
Question by xMelANnie: how to see a movie with friends?
this is really awkward, i guess, for someone to ask.
nobody makes guides, cuz it is supposed to be easy, but I’ve never seen a movie with friends before.
i’m 12 years old, and i’ve always watched movies by downloading them online or on TV.
how do you go with friends, to the movie theater?
I also never take the bus, because i like walking to places.
do you talk with your friends when watching the movie?
do you buy the really expensive food?
where do you go after the movie?
…sorry if i seem stupid or crazy for not knowing these things… but I never really believed in watching movies in theaters. why not watch it in the comfort of your own home, instead of to a place with really fattening expensive food and with tons of other people?
Best answer:
Answer by Bongripper
Movies are cool at the theater because they’re so big and loud.
Just go. There is no right or wrong way to go to the movies. But don’t talk during the movie. That’s rude to everyone in the theater.
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