how to tell if reality is real or if my dreams are fake?
Question by Houdini: how to tell if reality is real or if my dreams are fake?
if i start to dream or think about acting a certain way or changing,would i start to act and think and change that way that i am thinking and dreaming about? for example, if i wished the whole world was cheese about a hour or so aday, will i start to believe that the whole world is cheese or another example, i will have a nightmare that i will be the very next hitler, would my mind and my body start to think that way or change into that way without me knowing that i am fooling myself? dose this make sense? could i be accidentally making everything up simply out of boredom.
i dont technically want advice or for someone to tell me to get out of the house more or tell me to put down the books and stop watching movies.
i act the same all day and night, my mood dose not switch. im not angry, or happy, or sad. i cant really say what my mood is except its constant and i seem to remember every dream, and every story i could have possibly made up
Best answer:
Answer by pyarali2
well, as far as I know: if the dream repeats itself constantly then it is divine revelation trying to get you to respond in some way.
If it is fake, then you will forget it or will remember only half of it,
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