How to Throw Out your Cold Calling Scripts – Five Ways to be yourself Again in Cold Calling!
pressure by doing that. This causes potential clients to react with defensiveness or immediate rejection.
3. Create Openings Rather than Forcing a “Yes”
Selling scripts are designed to be linear and step-by-step so you can move cold calls in the direction you want them to go. From the traditional cold calling point of view, that direction is toward a “yes.” The belief is if you don’t get a “yes” at the beginning of the cold call, you’re not “selling.” However, that’s the biggest problem with scripts. They give you only one path to follow.
If you can start a conversation that triggers a “What do you mean?” response from your potential client, then you’ll find you can explain yourself in a natural way. It creates a two-way dialogue, which in turn lets you learn what you need to find out. You flow with the