how to upload sims 2 video from windows movie maker to youtube
Question by ..: how to upload sims 2 video from windows movie maker to youtube
ok so i made this sims 2 movie on windows movie maker and when i went to upload it on youtube it said that it was a .MSWMM file and i had to make it a wvm or something like that but when i just put the plain video from the sims 2 with no extra things like credits or something it worked because it was .avi so does any one know how to change it from MSWMM to wvm (not positive it’s wvm) PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
if you want to or can please give me movie making tips
Best answer:
Answer by ¿♥ Cheyenne ♥?
Well, when you are done making your video, you go to Movie Tasks, then you will see 3. Finish movie, and under it, it will say Save to my computer. You click on that and it will guide you through it. Then click finish. Example:
When you are done saving it, you go to youtube, and click the upload button. And when it says browse, choose your video. And click upload video. Then it will say: Uploading video this may take a several few minutes. Then wait a little while, and it will say Thank-you for uploading a video. Your upload is complete. Here are a few tips: Always remember to save your video, it can easily be deleted. Also remember to save your video to your computer, because if you don’t, this thing will pop up on youtube, and say: ” This is a Mvm video, please go back to your video and save it to a vim file. ” Also remember that it does take a few minutes to upload your video on youtube, so just stay patient.
I hope I helped you. I have uploaded a lot of videos from Windows Movie Maker, so I know what to do.
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