How to write a paper about an documentary?
Question by JavierChM: How to write a paper about an documentary?
Hello, I’m a exchange student, and I’m now in college, but I don’t know how to write papers, well at least how they are here in the US. I have to write about 2 1930 documentaries (History of Documentary Film) I’m studying cinema. The professor said that we had to write, why we think that is a documentary, why is educating, or something like that. I don’t know how to start, what to write. Please a little help here. I’m good making movies, but with this papers and exams thing not at all.
P.S: Is not a Research Paper.
Best answer:
Answer by Bryce
Your school library may have books on how to write an essay or paper, and if they don’t, your local public library probably does. Check there — call number should be around 808.02 in the Dewey system.
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