Humphrey Bogart – Hydraulic Couplings Supplier – Precision Fasteners manufacturer
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his persona.
Issue #70 of the US The Phantom (1977) comic book is known as the “Bogart” issue, as the story stars Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Sydney Greenstreet, Peter Lorre and Claude Rains and is a mixture of Casablanca, The African Queen, The Maltese Falcon and The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.
The Man With Bogart’s Face (1981) movie starred Bogart lookalike Robert Sacchi.
The comic book series The Bogie Man features a mental patient who believes that he’s an amalgam of various Bogart film characters.
The slang term “bogarting” refers to taking an unfairly long time with a cigarette, drink, et cetera, that is supposed to be shared (e.g., “Don’t bogart that joint!”). It derives from Bogart’s style of cigarette smoking, with which he left his cigarette dangling from his mouth rather than withdrawing it between puffs.
See also
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