i know i can get The Twilight saga new moon on my ipod from lime wire but how?
Question by Chiara S: i know i can get The Twilight saga new moon on my ipod from lime wire but how?
i found the twilight saga new moon on limewire but its all like messed up even though it said it was excellent. the only way it is messed up is the fact that you only see half of bella and edward or any other characters faces inless they zoom out. i cant find any better but i do know there on there somwhere do you know anything eles i can use that wont give me viruses or cost money. and please do you know anything like that i can type in the search box to make new moon come up. also dont say “WAIT TILL THE MOVIE COMES OUT DUMB ASS” because then your just the dumb ass twihard people want the movie out now instead of paying 10$ bucks everytime they wanna see it. yeah yeah i know thats how they make more money i dont care i just want to know where i can find it on lime wire because i cant find nothing.
Best answer:
Answer by crystal
I saw the same video that you are talking about, but after about 3 minutes it zooms out and you can see the whole thing through out the rest of the movie.
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