I need help with my movie problems?

Question by I did it all just for him: I need help with my movie problems?
I want to make a movie but I need a few things cleared up first:
What is the best equipment for movie making? (computer software, camcorder…etc)
When I finish the movie, can I sell it, like on the streets?
BTW I’m 15

Best answer:

Computer Software: I use Adobe Premiere Elements, its very simple software that you can understand quickly but it can make your movie look awesome

Camcorder: I use canon a tiny one. But if you want to sell it maybe a bigger canon but canon is defiantly the best brand

And if you want to sell it you can. However, it has to be all you stuff. Music, footage, etc. If you want to put a song on there that is not by you you have to ask permission.

I hope this helped! =D

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