I want to be an actress?
Question by отправится в Японию!!!!: I want to be an actress?
I don’t want to be famous at all. I don’t want any attention, I just want to act! When music starts playing all I can do is dance and sing to musicals. I love to act more than anything on this Earth. I am so afraid to say it because the things I love the most I can’t talk about. What should I do? What involves acting? I’m in movie making classes and performing arts but I don’t know if I can take this love of mine further. I love acting more than anything. I just get the biggest thrill out of it.
Does anyone else have any idea what I’m saying. Such a stupid question, I know. Give me your opinions or what you did as an actor.
Best answer:
Answer by RoMeO
Go to college and do drama studies and keep gettin more experience by doin more plays and stuff!Keep goin to auditions and try your best and if your realy good there might be a chance you get noticed I know you dont care about that but hey you wouldent say no to fame and money!
Just do your best and be happy!
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!