I want to make a movie prop from resin. How do I begin? What’s a good material to make a mold with?
Question by Amy S: I want to make a movie prop from resin. How do I begin? What’s a good material to make a mold with?
I’m planning on making the armor pieces to Kroenen’s armor out of resin (the clockwork guy in Hellboy). I need to know how to begin. Should I start with a clay prototype, or what other material can I use? I need to make a mold so that I can use that mold to cast the resin in the finished shape and detail that. I have four pieces to make (ask me for a pic) and attach together with hinges. I also have to put leather pieces on it as well. I am choosing resin so it’ll have some noticeable weight and not be easily breakable. The pieces have to be at least a quarter of an inch thick on the base, with raised relief scrollwork. This is a project for a collector, and I want to make sure I get it perfect. If anyone knows the process of handmade molding, please please help!!
Best answer:
Answer by skwonripken
Seems like a trip to the library is what’s called for here. I would imagine they have books dealing with your project. You could call and inquire if they have them in stock.
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