i’m making a box of little love trinkets for my boyfriend and i ran out of ideas?
Question by kalipiche: i’m making a box of little love trinkets for my boyfriend and i ran out of ideas?
I’m going away for the summer and i’m making a tiny envelope to open each day. each envelope has a tiny picture or ticket that i wrote on or a quote from a movie on a movie stub etc. buut i ran out of ideas. i was thinking i could write some love quotes but i dont know any good ones
other info: we are 20 and have been together 2 years
i have a ton of colored paper! i just need ideas! thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Jules
first off, VERY cute idea! i posted a link to a site with some love quotes on it for you. as far as other ideas, you might want to take a cue from some of those “survival packs” that people make. put in things like: a piece of string (tied like a bow for around your finger) to “remind” him every day that you love him. a hershey’s kiss (or hug, or both!): to give him a kiss or hug from you. a keychain flashlight: becuase he lights up your world. etc etc.
since you have lots of colored paper 🙂 you might want to make fake “ticket stubs” or what have you to celebrate important moments that you might not have an actual “ticket” to (first kiss, etc), and write a little something about the event that made it special for the two of you. You might also consider cutting out block letters to spell out a sentence to him (“I LOVE YOU” or something similar would do) and then writing a love poem on each of the letters, one each for him to open on consecutive days.
Hope that helps, and have fun with your project! 😀
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