I’m really concerned. Copyright help!?
Question by –: I’m really concerned. Copyright help!?
A few days ago, I posted a link of a music video/tribute of an actress on Youtube onto a fan forum. A user on the forum said in a reply: I wish I knew how to make these. And you guys know what I did? I was so stupid: I replied to him and said: “Making these things are so easy. Just go to Start – All Programs – Accessories – Windows Movie Maker. I’m looking forward to your first [actress’s name] fan video.” And now guess what? He is making those videos so often – like every 2 or 3 days. Now here is my concern: these videos use copyrighted songs and pictures. I’m afraid that if he gets into trouble, I’m afraid that he will give a link to the post I made on the fan forum and say: this guy told me how to make these. I know I’m getting a little paranoid, but please tell me whether or not I will get into trouble because of someone else. And that’s not all, that user is getting more and more into making these things, I’m afraid he will use clips of movies later on in these music videos.
To the first answerer: Thank you for answering, you helped relieve my paranoia a lot. But, you said that I did not assist him in copyright infringement – does saying in my post on the fan forum, “I am looking forward to your first [actress’s name] fan video” count? Because a fan video implies using copyrighted pictures and songs and possible movie clips. Thank you.
Thanks to the second answer as well.
Best answer:
Answer by afreshpath_admin
Teaching someone how to make a video does not get you in trouble. His use of the knowledge you passed on to him is his sole responsibility.
Just because you taught him how to make a video does not mean you assisted him in using that for copyright infringement!
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