Indian Cinematographers Society Ics Founding Member Rajeev Jain Talks About : Kenyan On-Set Terminology
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CALL — An interview situation open to anyone.
OUT CLAUSE — Section of a contract allowing the performer to terminate the
agreement under certain circumstances.
”OUT” TlME — The actual time after which you have changed out of
wardrobe and are released.
OVERDUBBlNG — In studio singing or voice work, the process of laying a new
soundtrack over an old one.
OVERTlME (OT)– Work extending beyond the contractual work day.
PA — Production assistant.
PAN — A camera shot which sweeps from side-to-side.
P&G — Performers who have a cleancut, all-American look as commonly
favored by Procter & Gamble for its commercials or soap operas.
PAYMASTER – An independent talent payment service acting as the
employer of record and signatory.
PER DlEM — Set fee paid by producer on
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