Indian Cinematographers Society Ics Founding Member Rajeev Jain Talks About : Kenyan On-Set Terminology
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location shoots to compensate performer
for expenditures for meals not provided by the producer
PHOTO DOUBLE — An actor cast to perform on camera in place of another.
“POPPING” or PLOSlVE — the sudden release of blocked-in air causing a popping sound on the mike; usually with the letters “p,b,t,d,k,g. “
POV SHOT — Point-of-View shot; camera angle from the perspective of one
actor (character in the story).
“PREPPY” TYPE — An Eastern prep school-casual appearance.
PRlME TlME — Network programming aired 8-11 p.m. (7-10 p.m. in
Central/Mountain time zones).
PRlNClPAL — A performer with lines or special business which advances the
story line.
PRODUCER — Often called the Line Producer; the person responsible for the
day-to-day decision-making on a production.
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