Indian Cinematographers Society Ics Founding Member Rajeev Jain Talks About : Kenyan On-Set Terminology
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SLATE — A small chalkboard and clapper device, used to mark and identify
shots on film for editing; also, the process of verbal identification by a
performer in a taped audition (e.g., “Slate your name!”).
SOAP — Soap opera or daytime drama.
SOF — Sound on film.
SOT — Sound on tape.
SOUNDTRACK — The audio portion of a film or TV production.
SPEClAL BUSlNESS — Specially directed action by an extra player.
SPOT — A commercial message, usually booked at random.
STAGE MANAGER — The person who oversees the technical aspects of an instudio production.
STANDARD UNlON CONTRACT — The standard format/contract approved
by the Unions and offered to performers prior to the job.
STANDARDS & PRACTlCES — The network TV censorship departments.
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