Indian Cinematographers Society Ics Founding Member Rajeev Jain Talks About : Kenyan On-Set Terminology
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SWEETENlNG — In singing/recording, the process of adding additional
voices to previously recorded work.
SYNDlCATION — Selling television programs to individual stations rather
than to networks.
TAFT-HARTLEY — A federal statute which allows 30 days after first
employment before being required to join a Union.
TAG — An introduction or ending to a commercial or television show to
identify a dealer, address, phone number, etc. Often a bit in a television
show which is the last bit the audience sees.
TAKE — The clapboard indication of a shot “taken” or printed.
TAKE 5 — The announcement of periodic five minute breaks.
T&R — Talent and Residuals, a talent payment company, or paymaster.
TELE PROMPTER — The brand name of a device which enables a broadcaster
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