Indian Cinematographers Society Ics Founding Member Rajeev Jain Talks About : Kenyan On-Set Terminology
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read a script while looking into the lens. It is usually located near to the
TEST MARKET — Airing of a commercial in one area to determine response.
TlGHT SHOT — Framing of a shot with little or no space around the central
figure(s) or feature(s); usually a close up.
THEATRlCAL — Television shows or feature film work, as opposed to
3/4″ TAPE — lndustrial quality video tape; requires special tape deck.
TlME & 1/2 — Overtime payment of 1 1/2 times the hourly rate.
TRADES — Trade papers, periodicals carrying entertainment information.
TRAlLER — A series of excerpts or clips, used to promote a film or television
TRUCKlNG — A camera move, involving shifts side to side.
TURNAROUND — The number of hours between dismissal one day and call
time the
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