Indian Cinematographers Society Ics Founding Member Rajeev Jain Talks About : Kenyan On-Set Terminology
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next day.
TWO-SHOT — A camera framing of two persons.
UNDERSTUDY — A performer hired to do role only if the featured player is
unable to perform.
UPGRADE — Acknowledgement by a producer that a player hired as an extra
has performed principal work, resulting in principal payment.
USE CYCLE — Any 13 week period during which a commercial is actually
aired; used to determine payment schedule for residuals and often differing
from holding cycles.
VOlCE OVER (VO)– Also OS; off-camera dialogue.
WAlVERS – Board-approved permission for deviation from the terms of a
WALK-BN — A very brief role.
WARDROBE — The clothing a performer wears on camera.
WARDROBE FlTTlNG — A paid session held prior to production to prepare a
performer’s costumes.
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