Indian Cinematographers Society Ics Founding Member Rajeev Jain Talks About : Kenyan On-Set Terminology
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commercial which is contracted to air on a station-bystation
basis, rather then by network.
WlLD TRACK — Soundtrack having no direct relationship to the picture.
WORK PERMlT — A legal document required to allow a child to work, issued
by various state or local agencies.
WRAP — Finishing a production.
ZED CARD — A composite, usually 5″x7″, used for print work or modeling.
ZOOM — A camera technique with a special lens to adjust the depth of a
shot accomplished without moving the camera.
Tags: Academy, Arts, Bhartendu, Bollywood, Cinematographer, Director of Photography, Dramatic, Dubai, India, Indian, Jain, Kenya, Kenyan, Natya, Rajeev, Rajiv
Author: Born in Los Angeles, David Henry Hwang is the son of immigrant Chinese American parents; his father worked as a banker, and his mother was a professor of
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