Indian Cinematographers Society Ics Founding Member Rajeev Jain Talks About : Kenyan On-Set Terminology
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performer to do a specific job.
BOOM — An overhead microphone, usually on an extended pole.
BREAKAWAY — A prop or set piece which looks solid but shatters easily.
BREAKDOWN — A detaiied listing and description of roles available for
casting in a production.
BUYOUT — An offer of full payment in advance in lieu of residuals, when the
contract permits.
CASTlNG DlRECTOR — The producer’s representative responsible for
choosing performers for consideration by the producer.
CATTLE CALL — An audition where anyone can come to audition without an
appointment. Usually there are many people there. Also called an “open
CHANGES — Outfits worn while performing.
CLOSE-UP (CU)– Camera term for tight shot of shoulders and face. Closeups
can be of anything.
COLA — Cost of
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