Indian Cinematographers Society Ics Founding Member Rajeev Jain Talks About : Kenyan On-Set Terminology
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Living Adjustment.
COLD READlNG — Unrehearsed reading of a scene, usually at auditions.
COMMlSSlON — Percentage of a performer’s earnings paid to agents or
managers for services rendered.
COMPOSlTE — A series of contrasting photos.
CONFLlCT — Status of being paid for services in a commercial for one
advertiser, thereby contractually preventing performing services in a
commercial for a competitor.
COPM — Conference of Personal Managers.
COPY — The script for a commercial or voice over.
CRANE SHOT — A camera shot raised over or above the set or the action.
CRAWL — Usually the end credits in a fiim or TV shot which “crawl” up the
CREDlTS — Performance experience listed on a resume; also, opening names
in a film or a n/ show.
CROSS-FADE — On camera, the
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