Indian Cinematographers Society Ics Founding Member Rajeev Jain Talks About : Kenyan On-Set Terminology
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responsible for funding the production.
EXT — Exterior or Exterior shot; a scene shot outside or outside another
EXTRA — Background talent, used only in non-principal roles.
FlCK — Social Security taxes (Federal lnsurance Corporation of Kenya).
FlRST REFUSAL — A courtesy situation extended to producers by agents on
behalf of performers, giving the producer the “right” to decline to employ
the performer before the performer accepts a conflicting assignment.
FlXED CYCLE — For commercials, an established 1 week period for which the
advertiser pays a holding fee to retain the right to use the performer’s
services, likeness and image in a previously produced advertisement.
FLlPPER — Easily removed false teeth for children, used for cosmetic
purposes only.
FORCED CALL — A call to
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