Is it possibl to make a more cliche movie then Water for Elephants?
Question by mp: Is it possibl to make a more cliche movie then Water for Elephants?
what a pain in the ass of a movie, I couldnt even watch it all. How cliche and predictable can you make a movie? Come-on! Boy from the wrong side of the tracks gets the rich evil business owner’s (that hired him)wife to fall for him. Old man at the beginning of the movie telling his life story is the same old guy from 60 years ago in the movie.
Christ almighty
I would rather them make an original movie without the stupid child like woderment of a 16 year old girl
Best answer:
Answer by Some Chick
Would you rather Hollywood continue to make remakes of classics that shouldn’t be remade? The Karate Kid, Footloose, Dirty Dancing, etc. I rather enjoyed it. Robert Pattinison was almost cute again like back when he was Cedric.
Me too! No sequels, no remakes, no prequels, no borrowing the idea from a book, a play, other movies, etc. I’m all for original ideas.
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