Is it possible to write a movie script being a beginner and still make it big?

Question by justme: Is it possible to write a movie script being a beginner and still make it big?
I’ve heard that some of the most famous movie writers have started from nothing from writing one hit movie. I’m just wondering if anyone has some insight on this subject. I want to write one and try to sell it.(I already have some ideas) I have no experience on screenwriting or anything but there’s lots of books with tips.. but the main question is, can I make it? thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by tk vzw guy
it is possible, but be prepared to get rejection letters though. even if you write the best script ever, the production company is going to look at it thinking “Is this going to make us money?” not “Is this a good script.”

think about some of the movies out there now, horribly written, but insanely popular.

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