I’ve always wanted to become an actor, But at times I’m scared!!! Please Help!!?
Question by clay: I’ve always wanted to become an actor, But at times I’m scared!!! Please Help!!?
Hi, I’m 22 years old and I’ve always wanted to become a great actor all my life since I was about 4 or 5..I’ve had such a strong passion for it and I act every single day on my own time alone and I find myself doing a great job! But problem is, I freeze when it comes to acting in front of people that i’m not comfortable with! Thats where I have doubts, but at the same time I can’t stop desiring acting! I totally put myself in the characters shoes when watching movies. And I even act out all my favorite movies and find myself getting immersed and being so blown away by great performances that totally inspire me!
So everyday I constantly dream on and on about being that awesome character that inspires me in these movies, even creating my own hero character, or evil character, becoming a supporting actor, lead actor. I even try to become a variety of different personalities all the time! I’ve been doing this for years and years! But I always hesitate to do it in front of people because I’ve never been used to acting in front of people! :/ Only alone. I wish I could get that comfort I have with myself when I’m alone and use that acting ability in front of people.
I used to act in a high school movie making class and the people that were my friends were pretty much in that class so I felt comfortable acting in front of them since they were all my friends. And I and one of my friends made a movie and practically directed it ourselves, I was the main actor and the movie won first place at a competition! I was confident in making that movie and somehow it turned out to be a success in high school! Now I was thinking of taking theater in college to knock the fears of acting in front of people out of me… So would that be a good idea? I wanted to start small so that I can get used to it until I find myself confident enough to take on bigger things so that I can be in the movies that I’ve wanted to be in! Would this be a good idea? Thanks.
ummm.. if I didn’t want to act gisellesparrow, I wouldn’t be on yahoo answers asking anyone for some advice now would I? An NBA player had a passion to play in the NBA, but there most likely was a time where he had doubts of ever making it cause it’s such a huge leap! And i’ve heard of many famous actors who said that auditioners would tell them “Your not good enough!” Or “You’ll never make it!” And the actor ends up doing the exact opposite! He makes it and then some! So please don’t sound like those auditioners! If I had this passion all my life, I DEFINATELY want to act, I just need a first step to get rid of my fears of acting in front of strangers. I pleased with my acting when i’m alone. but am afraid in front of people..Can anyone help me?
I’ve been acting all my life, just not in front of strangers… I love acting. I just need to know if going to college to take theater would remove my fears of letting out that side of me that only comes out when I’m alone.
Best answer:
Answer by gisellesparrow
You say you freeze up when you have to act in front of a crowd?
Then you don’t want to act.
Acting in its fullest extent should be a passion.
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