Jerry McGuire Mission Statement Clip
Jerry McGuire has a moral epiphany that drives him to write a mission statement about the sports agency company he works. The mission statement declares that the business has now been contorted into a money driven machine rather than being client- driven (what used to be important to the company in the beginning) . McGuire suggests that the company go back to its roots and have fewer clients and less money, putting the focus on more personal attention for the clients, making them feel like people instead of check-writers and money-makers. In a profit driven world, this idea backfires on McGuire. After his mission statement gets him fired from the company, McGuire decides to head up and independent sports agency firm that will focus on the core values of his mission statement. He leaves the office that day with one employee whom he inspired with his courage and gusto, and one client, whom he had previously considered less-important because he wasn’t a big-ticket star.
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BACHSCHOLAR: BEST SHEET MUSIC Scott Joplin Ragtime Playlist: ABOUT THE ARTIST: The Sacramento Bee wrote: “Cory Hall played two works of towering artistic content and difficulty with a power and a finish that were startling. Hall was all over the keyboard but always conscious of the magic the notes were designed to evoke. It was an impressive performance.” CORY HALL (b. 1963) is a retired concert artist, college professor, and church organist who currently devotes his time to making YouTube videos and composing. He wishes to inspire and offer advice to aspiring pianists and musicians worldwide via videos with his thought-provoking performances and tutorials. An independent scholar as well as performer, Hall holds graduate degrees in piano and historical musicology from The Eastman School of Music and The University of Kansas. BachScholar™ website: Please browse the selection of Dr. Hall’s personal hand-picked recommendations related to music and this video! HALL’S RAGTIME RECORDINGS & MORE EXCELLENT BIOGRAPHY OF SCOTT JOPLIN (BOOK): COMPLETE PIANO MUSIC OF SCOTT JOPLIN (CD SET): HIGHEST RATED CD OF JOPLIN’S PIANO RAGS: WORLD’S GREATEST PIANO RAGS (CD): BIG BOOK OF RAGTIME PIANO (MIXED COMPOSERS): JOPLIN’S COMPLETE RAGS (PIANO BOOK): GREAT PIANO TECHNIQUE BOOK OF SCALES AND ARPEGGIOS: www …