Jobs in Graphic Design
a designer, are:
a) Graphic Design – Adobe Photoshop CS 2, Corel Draw, Macromedia freehand , Adobe Indesign , Adobe Pagemaker,Adobe illustrator.
b) 2d Animation- Macromedia Flash Mx, Swish.
c) 3d Animation- Maya, 3d Studio Max.
d) Audio-Video Editing & Multimedia Authoring – Soundforge , Cool Edit Pro ,Goldwave, Adobe Premiere Pro, Macromedia Director, Pinnacle Studio, Final Cut Pro.
e) Special Effects: Adobe after Effects, Spin panorama, Elastic Reality.
All these software are required to be known by the candidates who aim for a career in designing and animation. Though designing and animation are generally taken as different career forms, but people in these fields generally tend to have learnt almost all these softwares. The animators need to have very good thinking power