Karate Kids: Children and Martial Arts
Karate Kids: Children and Martial Arts
Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris and Stephen Segal all do it. The “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” did it, too. And don’t forget that you can see it every weekday on the “Power Ranger” episodes as well. Demonstrations of martial arts in movies and on television add an element of excitement and action. This action is often imitated by young children on playgrounds, schoolyards or at home with siblings. If a child shows an interest in “the moves,” should a parent consider enrolling them in a martial arts program? What benefits would martial arts training provide? Is it worth it?
“Martial arts, especially those styles that originated in Japan and Okinawa, are based on the premise of respect and ‘do no harm,’” says Joyce Roberson, a martial arts expert and author of the “Karate for Kids” column. “Contrary to the visual