Karate Kids: Children and Martial Arts


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Roberson, children with learning diffi­culty, such as ADHD, hyperactivity or behavior problems, can bene­fit from the structure learning program that martial arts training offers. Parents of ADHD children tend to agree. “Our son, David, participated in tae kwon do from ages 9 to 11,” says Karen Jenista, a housewife from Colorado Springs, Colo. “His psychologist recommended a form of martial arts to instill self-discipline and self-esteem in David, issues that were present due to his ADHD. David progressed to the green-belt level.

Participating in tae kwon do did give David con­fidence – in himself and his abilities. I think it really helped him to have visible proof of his ability — the different colored belts and the awards of his achievements.”

There is a shared concern from some parents about the dangers and negative effects of martial arts

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