LA braces for ‘carmageddon’

LA braces for ‘carmageddon’
When the sun rises above Los Angeles, residents in this car-dependent, traffic-choked city will see a rare sight: a 16km stretch of one of America’s busiest highways turned into a virtual ghost road.
Read more on News 24 South Africa

Here’s the story…
The magic of “The Brady Bunch” was in its simplicity.
Read more on Boston Globe

Patrick Dempsey’s prognosis for his film career: promising
Playing a villain in the latest ‘Transformers’ film was ‘such a great experience,’ says the actor known for his McDreamy role in ‘Grey’s Anatomy.’ He’s hoping for more big-screen time, but another season of the series awaits. Patrick Dempsey sounds like a man coming off a transforming experience. Last week, while driving to the first table read for the upcoming season of “Grey’s Anatomy,” the 45 …
Read more on Los Angeles Times

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