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Being thrifty
Every time there’s an economic downturn there’ll be some (older) relative to tell you all about how when they were a kid their grandma used to darn their socks, the couldn’t just go to the nearest Big W to buy another five pairs for $ 7.99. Depending on the state of our collective finances, Western society as a whole seems to veer between the ostentatious exhibition of riches and visible thrift …

Sragow Gets Reel: ‘Wimpy Kid’ beats ‘Sucker Punch,’ as we knew it would
A week ago, when I spoke to Jeff Kinney, creator of the “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” novel-in-cartoon series and executive producer of the film versions, I mentioned that his middle-school saga went up against “Kick-Ass” last year and ultimately whipped it at the box office.
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