Lastest Movie Making Course News

Comic-booky ‘Limitless’ is just smart enough, and fun enough, to work
Bradley Cooper stars in thriller, opening today
Read more on New Orleans Times-Picayune

Local author pens graphic novel, ‘Werewolves of New Idria’
As he described himself, John Chadwell is somewhat of an overnight 20-year success story. Chadwell has been a writer for many years, but in August, he will have his first book published – a graphic novel with local ties called “Werewolves of New Idria.”
Read more on The Pinnacle

A faster, leaner, stronger you this spring
I’ve heard all the excuses not to go to the gym: It’s still too cold out. It’s too far from where I live. I’m busy. I’m tired. I’d rather work up a sweat from eating chips and dip or cake and pie than from sheer physical exhaustion.
Read more on Gay City News

Box office revenues are down … almost 20 percent
The movie business isn’t what it used to be. Even just a year ago. So far, 2011’s North American box office receipts are running 20 percent behind what they were in the first quarter of 2010 – $ 1.6 billion compared with $ 2 billion.
Read more on Los Angeles Daily News

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